Ace on Hunter's place (s2e06)

Other character’s owner; @FlickLashe


I love this so freaking much!

Ace; Has black goo coming from old scar

Stitch’s reaction: slams hand on Ace’s mouth

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Yes, they would do that,my paranoid, traumatized little demon

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Imagine that you have open cuts and strange material about to enter your eyeball and someone is just like;
“Shut up”
:skull: :sob:

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Stitch has been abused and almost starved by witches,they don’t really have any care for them

But did ya notice what expression I gave them? >:)
But annyways-
I feel like I’m floating :sob:

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Why do you feel like that?

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I have been laying in different bouncy castles all frickin day, because I was at carnival with my sister and mother-

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Oh, geeze, well at least you did something fun!

Yeah, actually I punched myself when I was trying to hit a bug-

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