Favorite owl house ships

Guys I lied it’s Aladarius

1 me gusta
  1. Aladarius
  2. Raeda
  3. Lumity
  4. Veesha
  5. Huntlow
  6. hooty x duolingo owl
  7. Gustholomule

reviving this because it’s been 6 months

hootlingo /hj

Lumity, huntllow, veesha, vanykara(sakara x vanye) , reada, etc. Todos me encantan por =… a esecepcion del gusthomel, ese no se por que pero no me convence ,pero para gustos colores, no? ^^

Son escribidos: Huntlow, Vinara, Raeda y Gustholomule

(Lo siento si sueno grosero, no lo digo en serio)

1 me gusta

lumity , veesha and viney+emira

Naa esta bien.
Maldita dislexia de $%:crazy_face:#!

Gustholomule gustholomule gustholomule forever

1 me gusta

1.Lumity (forever) 2.Raeda 3.Aladarius 4.Hunwillow 5.Veesha (now starts what i dont like too much) 6.gustolomule (its really basic, dosent have so much story of the ship and its basic) 7.Hootlingo :skull:

aladrius kumity reada deadbelos and gusholomueeeee

1 me gusta

What is kumity if i can know?

gusatholomuleeeeeeeeeeeeee forrrr lifeeeeeeee

Huntlow especially that one scene in for the future

I think about this alot

3 Me gusta

I feel so bad for her