Funny thing from my swimming lesson todayy <33

Me and my friend had to skip swimming, and we were talking and sitting close to the pool.
(I don’t use anyone’s real names in this story)
She asked me “Do you like Kai?”
I knew second after she asked me, that she likes him xd
So I answered “No… But you do”
She covered her mouth (She was smiling)
And she answered “No~”
I got close to her and I got far away and start laughing*
And I answered “You are f****** liarrr!!”
But the weirdest fact; Alex looked at me several times while they were swimming and he talked many times with me… And also I lied about the “No”, he is my crush xd.

And also we had to do some random moves, and I did it badly BECAUSE I WOULD HIT HIM W/ MY LEGS, BECUZ I’M THE TALLEST IN OUR CLASS xd

Bai :sparkles:


Well that’s an interesting story-

Haha! I can totally relate to this.

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hahaha, interesting story.
about swimming I remember that once I was thrown from a corner of the pool and as I still didn’t know how to swim I almost drowned.

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