I’m gonna make a discord account soon i will post it on here i hope someone adds me
Ok! I’ll add u! c:
I’ll be waiting, I’ll add you as soon as you post it
ok! my discord is rex#4429 I’m not on rn so i might not accept right away
btw it’s rez#4429 sorrylol
rez#4229 is my discord lol
Ok, Wait
its rez not rex sorry for typo
Salutations bud… or new budd… future bud… I wish I remembered my discord password on my phone
I already sent you the request
Lol its fine maybe we can chat through zoom or meet
What if one of us accidentally turns on the microphone or the camera… we can just cover em right??? We can like cover the camera with tape or something
Yeah lol maybe we can talk on Tuesday if you want to
Oh alrighty then if I get the chance cuz of ya know… school… I may accidentally turn it on when I’m in class. Or something
Same! I get out around 3:15 wbu? (It has to be before 5 lol)
Yeah maybe today if I get the chance
Sorry i can’t do it today maybe on monday then. I can stream a show if you want!
Oh okay then…
What is your time zone??
Gmt-5 i think i have things going on today so yeah sorry
Ah same I am gonna watch a movie soon in fact… Avatar way of the water…