Hiya there! Please call me Amity101 because well that’s my name and username on here. I go by pronouns she/her and they/them, even though that probably isn’t important to anyone. My favorite show is “The Owl House” and I just can’t seem to get enough of it. I hope I can make some new friends on here as I recently just lost a few in real life friends due to some rumor this one girl has made up. Nice to meet you all!
I’m sorry that happened to you. Well it’s very nice to meet you! The names Cyrus! I hope you enjoy your time here. I can ensure you that everyone will welcome you with open arms!
Hello, welcome to the community, I hope you have a good time on this website
Oh Salutations and welcome to our community Amity101! I hope you have a wonderful time here in our community and I hope we become friends of you’d like!! And I’m really sorry to hear that people are spreading rumours about you. Something similar happened to me as well in real life. And I think I still deal with it to this day…but now I just give up and leave em alone… even though they almost ruined my entire social life but that’s okay…
I am so used to it now…
Hello, my name is Xavier/Oliver!!! I go by two names just because I couldn’t choose just one, and I think I wanna be genderfluid, so I’ll switch between genders while using those names as well. My pronouns are all of them except for she/her.
I’ve also kind of experienced the same thing that you have, a few years ago there was this one guy in my class at school and he would spread lots of dirty stuff about my whole friend group. Some people left the group after that, but we started connecting again and I guess it’s all good now. Just give it some time and you will seek happiness.
I’ve also just joined Penstagram not too long ago, and I’ve found it so much fun just to find people who like the same things as I do! I’m also kind of looking for friends, care to be one of them?
hello! my name is Quincy I go by all pronouns, one of my step sisters lied and ruined my life everything was dull there was no happiness or comedy, so I give you the GOOD LUCK BLESSING from a baby to make I bit more funny let this ridiculous comment hep you through your trials
you all now have the o so wonderful blessing of the baby viola
Hope you like being here!
U can call me Marcy (:
It’s okay! It’s nice to meet you too, Cyrus! Everyone here seems really nice, so I think I’ll enjoy every moment. :))
Thank you! I hope too.
We could always be friends! :DD It’s okay, I am kind of used to it. Many people made up two more rumors a few months before. I’m sorry that you still deal with your problems to this day. :(( Maybe, your entire social life will fix itself one day, but no one knows that for sure and that’s your decision to make. :))
Hello Xavier! You do you! I think two names is cool, and that is so cool! It’s been a week the rumor has been spread now, but this is not the first time a rumor was spread about me so I tried not to take it to heart, even though I am a very emotional person. I’m glad you are connecting with your friend group! :DD
Hello there, Quincy! I hope some things get better for you. Thank you for the babies and their good luck blessings! <3
Thank you, Marcy! I’m already getting cozy here.
Sleepy Collector. I can relate to them right now, lol.
Yeah, I’ve been here for a few months now and everyone has been so supportive and nice to me!
People made rumors that I’m racist because I look white. … idk I haven’t got the full story… This is why I wish I knew Spanish more!!!