Some youtubers are just too sweet!

If you have ever heard of the youtubers ‘One Topic at a Time’ or ‘The Click’ then you know they are just amazing. I just finished watching OT’s (One Topic) new video which was about trans memes and such and he has said some genuinely amazing stuff that made me cry a bit. I’m watching The Click now and he’s doing a regular ol’ r/f–kyoukaren video and he’s making stupid funny jokes and it’s just nice to have youtubers that are so sweet.


Yes, youtubers can be sweet and that was just cute what I readed from this topic :sparkles:


There’s one thing that is common from OT’s channel where when someone says something about them feeling like they are faking something he always says, “If you feel like you may be faking something then chances are, you definitely aren’t. People who fake something know they are doing it. You are just figuring yourself out.”