Sorry about stuff

Like. I probably think a lot of people hate my guts. Just tell me if you do and how I can fix myself- not that hard. Kinda stupid tbh. I don’t really act like this, but that ONE topic made people hate me.


Words make mistakes, apologies fix them

SOMETIMES apologies fix them, with certain things apologies don’t mean anything but this isn’t one of those times

anyway i don’t necessarily hate you or even dislike you

you’re just kinda there to me
no offense i just haven’t talked to you much so idk

I don’t hate you-

I just disagree with your opinion

I don’t judge based on one bad interaction

Why you ruin my semi-motivational phrase

They were adding what they thought would help most dude

It’s literally the first time idk in the whole year that I say something actually nice for someone :sob:


Can we please not start stuff again? ((Not being rude or mean))

i just

shared my opinion



What did u even do? :sweat_smile:



Stated my opinion on a game and stuff. They were getting upset

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Sorry… For what? Personally I see no reason why yiu should be sorry

idk what happening her D:

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