This was definitely a spoiler for Flapjack Death

Windows XP

My mom has a Windows 7 and it’s around the same age as me.

Si muy lejos.

1 me gusta

I’m on a Motorola and it’s not that bad… The photo quality is good
It’s laggy tho but that’s probably bc it’s like 4 years old

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I got this a year ago tho…
This is my first phone I like the stylist

Probably because I put it on battery saving mode all the time and not all the features are on. It’s cuz I filled up the phone with too many screenshots and drawlings and gifs XD the battery drains a lot

I’ve been brainwashed by people at my school that iphones and Samsungs are better… and I don’t wanna argue with my mom to get me an iphone or a Samsung so. Tbh I like Motorola’s anyway they are good for the battery life n stuff and the space but I always seem to find a way to fuck up phones and tablets hahahaha… :smiling_face_with_tear::rofl:

Y’all privalaged

Im almost 18 and ive NEVER had phone…that or im just a sad boi

1 me gusta

Aww dude… I feel sorry for you… here is some phones.

Choose wisely my friend. And cherish it protect it with your life if u hv to I’m jk don’t go that far
Or would you like a Nikita nikoto those industricanble phones that hv the fancy ringtone…

Don worry, I wontt :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh… what phone would u like

dunno…nvr had one bfore

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Oh so what r u using? Tablet laptop computer ect ect.

school chromebook

only thang i gots

2 Me gusta

Oh dang… better than nothing tho… :smiling_face: but… dang your parents should give u a phone your old enough now.

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bro…i havent seen mom since i was4, and dad since i was 10, i live with the grandparents…and they NEVER lettin me get dat, so when i leave i gets my own

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YEEEEE manzz!! Them the prettiest little things but when the coyotes around -

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Oh… grandparents parents… :sob::expressionless: oh dang even mine would let me hv a phone or a tablet at least… Wow… I feel sorry for u…

2 Me gusta

Ah yes the coyotes majestic creatures all creatures r beautiful in their own way ig…

Sir/Ma’am, the doc…how did you know? :melting_face: :bird:

Eh, its fiiine, i got me frenssss

I v to go about to test and my teacher about to take away my phone major discrit test bye h