Vent forum, I'll listen to you

welcome to the vent chat! if you vent here, you will get condolences. heck- you might get me to talk about my family problems


I’m gonna wait to do this cuz it will take too long if I do so right now-


Well, I just feel too stressed :v and I don’t know why.

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I feel like i dont really have anyone to talk to so its nice this exist, also please dont read if you dont want to and dont feel pressured to reply or comfort me, i just want to get this out of myself

So basically im failling school (again…) and by that im failling everyone especially my parents, and i feel like such a burden because they are now paying for my school and im to tired to even try to pass, beside that im also not part of theyre religion and they recently found out im trans which they took with schock. So i just feel like a burden to them and also to my teachers and friends who belive in me… i dont really want to live but something is keeping me alive, not sure what at this point


Yea, i might use this thread a lot lol


Alright so as of lately my brother has been making my life genuinely sh-tty- Like he barely talks to me but when he does he’s starting an argument. He constantly calls me slurs of different times like fa**ot he calls me the trans slur, he has even called me the n word several times, like upwards of maybe 20-30 times (we are both white). He’s said some genuinely transphobic stuff to me but his best friend is trans and he treats his best friend like a :duck:ing king! And in the past starting when I was around 6 or 7 he started sexually harrasing me and even sexually abusing me, making me do shit I don’t want to do, all the way up until last year and he will STILL make sexual remarks! Then he will vape around me which is bad enough because he knows I hate it but then he will BLOW THE SMOKE IN MY FACE!! And then I yell at him for it and he says I’m over reacting! Then he will just poke me and touch me at moments that he knows I’m not uncomfortable with in front of my mom (my mom also knows this) and my mom just brushes it under the carpet like nothing happened! I :duck:ing hate it! I’m treated like a child while I’m handling my money better than him, always act more mature than him, and I’m even trying to get a job when I turn 15 in less than a month to be able to start making money as soon as possible to have when I have to start paying for my own stuff. My brother has to assist in paying bills because he technically shouldn’t even live here anymore but he can’t pay them because he always wastes his money on stupid shit!!
Sorry- this ended up being much longer than I wanted it to be-


Im so sorry that this is happening to you, but its great that you are trying to get out of this mess. Stay strong and i hope life will work out for <33


Well I can definitely say the pros are out weighing the cons no matter how bad the cons may be- toc has brought me so much happiness, and not even just toc- I have friends that always support irl as well- though I may not tell most of them what goes on at home. They still support and that’s all I could ask for


Im happy to hear that you have some support irl, its a great think to have in difficult situations. Well again i hope everythink work out for you Cyrus


Thank you so much Kris! I hope things are going well for you, and if not then I hope things get so much better for you because you deserve better


Thank you Cyrus, its nice to hear stuff like that <33


well compliments are some of the best ways to make someone’s day better from what I know
And that’s from personal experience lol


Yea, its true


Then I will support as many people here as I can and give as many compliments as humanly possible!
(reading this in my head actually made me cry a little, it reminds me of when I was young. I guess somethings never change lol)


I think its a very nice goal to have, hope you will do so


Thank you Kris! I hope you the best of luck achieving your goal as well!


Thank you to Cyrus <33


Ofc! Support is what I know best afterall lol


Im so sorry that happened :frowning: I hope ur fcking brother will learn to not do stuff like that to my bestie. Anyways, I hope you feel better :slight_smile:


Yeah same! i hope that your dumb🍑 goofy ahh crusty musty dusty rusty brother could one day just grow up!

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