Wait I also had a weird dream (well yesterday))

So I was in a supermarket like shopping for idk what when suddenly like they call my name and say that I’m in danger but me and my friend were there like oh no we’re dead and turns out that a black golf cart was after us .I couldn’t turn back because i needed to run for my life in a weirdly huge supermarket but I thought to myself wait who is coming after me and turns out I turned around and raine,Eda and the cats were after me and I for some reason kept running around until I found the clothes area and decided to put a disguise on but it didn’t turn out very well because you could tell it was me and then I started running again but when I hid behind a chair I forgot that witches have magic so well they found me and Eda said h”hey don’t I know you kid?” I said “eda” and we hugged then raine whispered to eda “is that the girl you’ve been talking about all this time “ and ofc she said yes so the front seat was not taken (btw raine was driving) so I sit down and say “so you must be raine right?,eda says some amazing things about you” raine and eda then look at each other and then I go Al red and think if you say this your going to screw up infront of them ,rather way I said “so your together “ and they both blush and Raine says “well…” and Eda gets out of the cart and opens Raines door and then she smirks and kisses them and says”I haven’t stoped loving you whispers…”and then I look at them like that face that luz had when she found out eda was at the private inspector for Raine.:heart:


Wow I had a weird dream about the Collector and Amity and Luz. I think Hunter, Willow, Eda and Raine was there too. I’ll edit this comment later maybe

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Lol that’s the just great.