Amazing digital circus theories/hcs!

So so- yeah. (Most of these I saw off a comment, but I added my spin to most <3) but this is like how they were before they went wshshshshs into the circus thingy

  1. Ragatha was like a therapist friend (shown in her personality and compassion towards Pomni), yet she couldn’t hold herself together (instability)
  2. Zooble had either a mixed personality, or couldn’t ever find who she was really, ending up as a mix of people
  3. Jax was very sly, and maybe an annoying prankster friend
  4. Gangle masked their emotions, hence, the masks and how they are just sad once that mask broke
  5. Pomni was the ‘joke’ friend, always second pick, ending up confused and left out
  6. Pomni doesn’t do well in high stress situation, as she isn’t used to th pressure being put on her as she’s normally the quiet type

Anyways I love this show

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when a certain type of character disappears, they’re replaced by another with a similar role I think. You can see a door with a crossed out queen chess piece (kinger) and pomni came right around the time that the other guy abstracted (he was also a clown and i forgot his name lol)

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