Celestia's backstory #3

After the match

Celestia was sitting on the ground, leaning her back on the wall behind her. Lucifer walked up to her and sat down next to her on his knees and he had small smile on his face and he gave Celestia bottle of appleblod.“You sure you want to give me this?” Celestia looked at Lucifer, who nodded and Celestia took the bottle and drank from it. Lucifer chuckled and then he noticed Celestia’s palisman and his eyes opened wide. “T-that’s your palisman?!” He sounded suprised and he extended his hand to pet Moon, who jumped on his hand and climbed up and layed down on his shoulders and he chuckled. “You’re not as bad as I thought you were…” Celestia raised an eyebrow and looked at Lucifer, who looked back and Celestia turned red and looked away. “Oh Celestia, are you alright, do you have a fever-?” Lucifer sounded worried, which got Celestia turn back to look at him, slight smile on her face. “No no no, I’m alright, don’t worry” Celestia patted Lucifer on the head and got up.
“It’s my time to go back into Glandus high, see you later, Lucifer” Moon climbed onto Celestia’s head and she left Lucifer to wonder…

(Part 4; Celestia's backstory #4)

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Lucifer sounds like Luz “oh,do u have a fever!?”

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Plottwist; Luz is Lucifer :exploding_head:

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That would be funny,but considering the time skip,it ain’t possible

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Also when is Celestia going to step into your character’s story-? I’m interested-

Probably when she meets Darius , Celestia is there and she tries to talk to her

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I’m getting to work right now!!

1 me gusta

Okayy :eyes:
I’m excited :rofl:

Also, when part 4 coming?

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When I have motivation, so now-