Change Of Clothes

18 Me gusta

Hunter volviéndose el costurero del grupo es algo que me encanta ya que en mi familia siempre ha ávido muchas costureras y costureros XD. En fin, Hunter costurero GOD.

2 Me gusta

All Amity wants is to be like her father I guess?

So cute <3

Fashion Hunter

Now 3000 snails please :skull:

damn hunter is EXPENSIVE

1 me gusta

I guess making palismen doesn’t pay well

1 me gusta

I guess
but yea that is a lot

Hunter going ‘I am rich’ bcz of that :sob:

1 me gusta

I mean the blight family were millionaires for a long time and I bet they still have a lot of that money

1 me gusta

Yeah, true… Or Odalia kept it… Sorry, i meant :sparkles: Bedazzled trash can :sparkles: