Drawings what I made in the train

12 Me gusta

so pretty ^^ btw what type of paper is that called? like with the dots

1 me gusta

I think my sketchbook is actually made for Bujo’ing

1 me gusta

So pretty your drawings. I love your drawing style

1 me gusta

theyre very good!!!

again, like every time i see art on this dang platform, i will steal your art its too good
(that is a threat)

It seems like it was a loooong trip

1 me gusta

filler filler filler

1 me gusta

its a bullet journal or like bullet paper i beleive

I’m going to chop off your hand and surgically attach it to my arm so I can draw like you.
(This isn’t a threat it’s just a very weird statement)

Edit: I just needed to fix my spelling mistake that’s why it says edit

1 me gusta

Good luck with the wristpain :joy:

1 me gusta

I didn’t think of that and thanks :sob:

1 me gusta

I really like your shadowing (on the drawings) I think it makes it look sooooooo proffesional!

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