Explaining relatable pictures (for me);

-I’m worrying about people close to me
-I miss people close to me, who had moved on into the afterlife
-Lil toxic hobbies of mine and now I feel regret of them :skull:
-today had a panic attack…-

-I try to look funny to keep up the “happy face” what I use in public
-I still show everyone that I’m exhausted
-After my only friend leaves to go do smth

-Basicly feeling dead :skull:

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-im silly and funny af
-im dumb because why not

im actually sad

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I can be happy lil bunny
I can also be a gross laugher

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I’m friendly
I can also be vented too

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I always get jealous of others with the best of both worlds
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I’m VERY insecure of myself to the point where I want to do SA/SH
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I always think it’s my fault when my mom’s mad/sad
I try to not cry when ym mom is scolding me

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yeah, this is why so many teens watch the owl house: it’s just so relatable

I feel like king in this one because i don’t know what to feel, or who supports me, or what is safe, and I just wanna run away sometimes:/

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