For the future Theories

So I have a few theories about the new episode they just released (that I watched on the day of release instead of watching before the official release), but first I’m going to talk about the episode as a whole with theories for each part so spoiler alert for people who haven’t watched ftf yet.

Firstly the episde starts with the gang entering the demon realm again and the mom being super nice and sugarcoated about the demon realm. I have a theory that the reason luz’s mom was being super nice about it (in synchronization with willow acting all calm and cool but loooking super stressed) So maybe luz’z mom and willow both are bottling up stress, trying to act cool with a bunch of positivity (this will come in clutch later when Luz gets her palisman) because obviously luz’s mom is a nerd and literally loves the demon realm but doesn’t want to seem like too much.

Next they see the collector wipe through the town and his weird aura of like… childishness? I don’t know. I don’t have any theories for this part I just thought alot about how uncomfortable king was. the fact he’s putting up with that abuse is crazy.

So after that is the school, there’s a bunch of grafiti on the walls and a bunch of funny sentences but maybe they come into clutch in the last episode (GOODBYE TOH :sob:)
But I do have a question about how Basha came into power at the school, like nobody likes her? why is sh the president now?
Oh, and the castle/archives/collectors house above the titan. Did anyone notice how the floating castle looked an awful lot like a crown? and how it’s so conveniently placed above the titan skull? so maybe thats symbolic.

I also am sure that luz will become super overpowered because her palisman is a snakeshifter :skull:
Any other theories? That’s all I got!


I have a theory about the paintings in the archives though I think you’ve seen it already


I dont think i have what is it?

Si puedes traducir mi publicacion hablando sobre esos cuadros, te sorprenderas xd.

[Esta en mi perfil como publicacion destacada]

Pls, pls use a translator

¿Publicación destacada? no sabia que existian esos

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Puedes destacar una publicacion propia o de otros en tu perfil.

¿cómo? ¿cómo sin embargo?

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Estoy usando el traductor de Google ahora mismo, así que mi español no será muy bueno.

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Ah, encontré la publicación. ese es un muy buen punto!

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1: La traducion salió mal.

2: Trataba de decir que podias poner cualquier publicacion existente como publicacion destacada en tu perfil.

I was saying that they might be non-enterable memory paintings. I’m also thinking that it’s the Collector’s memories himself, but he made them not enterable because they might be bad memories. And some are ripped as seen with the paintings by the coven heads. I think those memories were so negative that the collector ripped them up because what was shown on the outside would’ve revealed something negative. Or those paintings were ripped by Eda when she was still in the Owl Beast form


Sí, la traducción en Google Translate realmente apesta.

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