I am eitherrrr (sexuality choice)

I am either, pansexual or aromantic, I dunno myself
<( _ _ )>
I dont feel love as much as I used to, but like hardly any ((just friendship one and family one i mean) and likee I dunno which sexuality I am
<( _ _ )>

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going by what you’ve said aromatic fits more out of the 2

I think you’re right, thank you for helping me decide <:)

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your welcome.

as an aro-spec being, that sounds more aromantic
but u could be both (sexually attracted to everyone, little to no romantic attraction)
or you feel little bits of romantic attraction to people regardless of gender, in which ud be panromantic and aro
(very sorry if this confuses u more)

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I mean you could be both, but don’t listen to me, I suck at giving advice

I told you not to worry about that. They told me that it comes with time and it’s just patience. At the moment you can be HELICOPTERO, which is my sexuality/gender and it’s nothing at the same time, so now be HELICOPTERO and be on your own.

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