I cant let go.. (filling the fill thing)


Guys I’m not even kidding I’m going to cry in class

TW: Suicide mentions


It’s so bad…It’s been over a month since TOH ended but I can’t let go because it literally saved me from killing myself and I know a lot of people say things like that but It really did and I don’t know what to do now that it’s over because it’s ripping me apart piece by piece and my home environment DEFINITELY doesn’t help. I tried just talking to my friend about it but they went to talk to their girlfriend before I even got a word out… like I get she’s important to you but so am I (at least I hope so) and I really need your support…

Please help…

Try rewatching every single episode,or maybe watching amphibia if you haven’t

I would had needed the tw in the title…

just listen to music and block them out…if they keep goin tell the teacher

She isn’t doing anything wrong, but it’s what she’s not doing.

oooo…well then idk man…im not good with ppl

it’s fine…

Yeah, it’s very difficult to let go a story that supported you so much, I lived it.
But I think that if you keep the story in your heart and share it with your friends you keep the story alive and make space for the stories and characters that you don’t haveet yet.
We must stick togethet to keep the fandom alive, but let know new stories amd share them too
Also, I think you should talk with your friend, it’s essential to have a friend support

Alright, thanks :))

so I like to listen to really sad music when I are depressed and sometimes I do personal projects to help and also Ik your friend is like not talking to you because of the girlfriend but you really should tell them that you need to tell them something important and then tell them about your depression.

It’s my pleasure to help you