I need therapy <3
Link pls
I need to do this
I got king!!! I am the king of demons!!!
I think we ALL need therapy
Bro I got edric
Some of these questions felt personal wth
im viney she is one of my fav carecters =D
Yes we do!
especially after the last few episodes
Especially after For the Future…
no spoilers!!! I’m waiting for the 21st out of respect for dana…
You now have my full respect. I did end up watching because of many sneak peeks there was before. It made me very impatient
i’m getting waaaayyy too many spoilers already
I recommend not to watch my artpiece’s from s3, because it’s probably spoilers for u
I watched it a day after it was released and I had already saw like 7 posts (not including spanish posts) that was talking about For the Future
I’ve seen one or two of them and they look really good!!!(it was worth the spoilers )
But tbh i think i might just watch the episode cause other wise im just gonna get spoilers…
It’s easier to watch the episode now, because you will get spoilers for the episode anyways so what is the point