I don't understand some adults

Like, they be teasing/ bullying’ish (I dunno what you call it) when you look abit tired/depressed and they say stuff like; “You look so depressed!” Ect. Ect. , or they start belittle your feelings and mock your expression. Like, if I look depressed, I’d believe you as an adult have the responsibility to ask if I’m ok or if I need someone to talk to IF you are going to talk to me :sob: :skull:

I had this depressed friend awhile ago and now my mother talks sh-t about him and even calls me “their name 2.0”

Also this feels more like me having a lil tantrum, but I just had to put my thought out somewhere :sob:

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NO CAUSE WHY DO THEY DO THIS??? LIke btch I’m sad why would you try to make me feel worse???

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Ye and they will start teasing even more when you leave the room

2 Me gusta

relatableee and it’s awful like come on you of all people should know ur my relative after all

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This is a bit too true

Like my family would always mock me when I would panic over making a decision, which to them is simple, but to me is like the end of the world

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or like they tease you for your crushes like ¨Oh why dont you tell us who you like??" UM MABYE BECAUSE I DONT WANT YOU TO TEASE ME??
and also
“Stop acting like a child!” and “No, you’re still just a child” coming from the same person makes me ASDFGHJKL

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3 Me gusta

Adults arent helpful sometimes :skull::skull::skull:
My friend got suspended for doing uh… s3lf h@r# and it is like a 3 month long suspension pretty much :skull:

Istg i am so mad at the teacher who gave her the suspension, however some teachers are fighting back to get her back into the school