I love this part *I wipe the tears from my face*

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i was sobbing on the floor when watching the last ep for the first time

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it’s a sad but absolute beautiful moment that you can’t help but cry

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I was already crying in that part lol

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The second luz died I screamed “NO!” And my dog started barking and I got grounded… But I hid my laptop so I could see the rest >:D

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I don’t know why but I was laughing when Luz died for a few moments.However, the ending was the one that made me sad, I watched season 3 twice and still cry

I cry in that part f

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it really make me feel bad because of the lore and just in 20 seconds in the chapter when we see them as kids and all has ended just watch them as grown teens meaning the journey we see has ended knowing we never watching them again

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You are right. Oh Titan, too bad there won’t be a season 4.I will miss The owl house

I was drowning in my tears once the credits started- I haven’t had a cry like that in almost 4ever! So I think that means that The Owl House was my FAVORITE show EVER!! I loved it so much because I could relate to Luz and the other characters and their problems like with being misunderstood and being locked up and controlled by others and no one taking me seriously. And I LOVED Raine for being Non-Binary, they’re so cute!! And almost all of my ships came to life!!! The Owl House really helped me, and I could rewatch the show a million times again!!

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