Is Huntlow really canon?

My friends and I have been wondering if Huntlow is actually canon so here I am asking others opinions.

First, Dana never made it explicit that they are together, sure they could communicate it through body language which is what they were probably trying to do but holding hands and blushing isn’t the best way to go at it.
Hunter blushes around her which yeah, he’s got a crush on Willow but sometimes it could be just from embarrassment, he admires her and I would be a bit red if someone I looked up to hugged me or gave me compliments, also he could be just embarrassed around physical touch (hugging, holding hands) as I doubt he got anything like that in the emperor’s coven. Willow never did anything like that, no blushing nothing.

:warning: I’m not trying to change people’s opinions on this ship I don’t dislike it to the point of doing that I’m explaining my points to get people’s opinions because my friends and I are Fr confused​:warning:

Willow never gave off the idea she liked Hunter based on how she acted around him, we all know Willow is a very caring person and would give anything to see them happy and as a person that compliments people a lot, it can sometimes be miscommunicated as flirting.

one last thing I don’t know if people know this but Zeno Robinson hunters voice actor dislikes Huntlow and posts on his Twitter that he believes they are just good friends, now this could just be a joke and I’m making it what I wish it to mean but whatever.

Anyways if you actually made it this far, thanks and I hope to hear you’re opinions on this.

8 Me gusta

you actually might be right now that I think about it but she went in and gave him multiple hugs in the last 6 minutes, although they might just be friends she docent hug anyone else like that

4 Me gusta

I ship them so i hope they’re canon but u’r right we don’t know exactly if they are canon

1 me gusta

I’m not sure they’re really canon, but it looks like it. But I hope it really is Canon.

1 me gusta

I consider the ship canon, but Dana didn’t really say anything sooo

2 Me gusta

You’re totally right, however I think that what Dana try to say with all that Huntlow moments is that is canon, because that’s how it began with Lumity (and probably Raeda), because of the lack of time that she had, the form of express that they’re dating were that short moments, maybe if she had enough time we would have seen more Huntlow develop

5 Me gusta

Sorry for my english, i hope my opinion is clear enough.

Personally i consider both as really close friends, because i know people that act like those two and there are not in any kind of relationship besides friendship and we don’t have any other form of confirmation, but i’m not against the ship either because i think both look good together. I agree with the concept of Dana has the last word about anything in TOH universe, so she confirms it, i’m okay with that, a little disappointed because we don’t reach to see a complete development of that relationship, but okay with that.

And yeah, maybe Hunter’s voice actor don’t like it but it’s a similar situation with Lilith’s voice actress, where she says Lilith is asexual, it’s okay, are their opinions or perspectives, but like we said, Dana has the last word at the end and she never confirm any of those things, or at least, not yet.

And let’s be honest, even if Dana says Huntlow is not canon, I can bet what you want that even so, the fandom is not going to stop creating content about the ship, as it happened with so many other ships, like LuzXGus, LuzXHunter, AmityXHunter, and so many others, the list is quite long :grin:

2 Me gusta

No because now I’m internally crying-

Personally, I believe Hunter is oblivious, same with Willow.
Hunter, never having any experience of ‘love’ before because of the Emperor’s coven and all, And Willow, never having someone crush on her before.
I agree though, I believe Hunter’s blushing because he’s embarrassed, but I think slowly they’ll both catch feelings for one another.

6 Me gusta

I totally agree with you
Welcome to the community!!!

2 Me gusta

Thank you!!
I just found out penstagram was a thing haha

3 Me gusta

I mean lilith is aroace so thats technically true

2 Me gusta

For some reason I used to not like Huntlow, but one time I had a dream where I gave Hunter a sticker sheet then felt cool with it? I still have mixed feelings.

Ok I’ll spill it. I used to have a crush on Hunter and I was jealous of Huntlow. Lol. used to

honestly, i wasn’t expecting someone answer after so many time, but i’m not complaining. My point in that is, as far as i know, both things were never confirmed by Dana, or at least i never found any confirmation from her, and for me if she never confirmed it’s not official, it’s just a headcanon. For example, if i work as voice actor in a new series, and i say a certain character is trans, but nobody comes out to confirm or deny that info, and in the serie that topic is never showed, ¿it makes really official?

Edit: and by showed i mean, really showed, no double interpretation, no misunderstanding, a real talking about that

1 me gusta

Yall now I’m totally good with it. Its so cute!