Ok... but Belos as Raine?

I was totally caught off guard when Belos chose Raine instead of whom i thought was Odalia. I am hoping I can learn more on why he chose Raine. Im sure Odalia wasnt a good choice anywho…

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It was better to choose Raine because the collector would probably be more likely to trust his own “creations” rather than some random woman who gave him sas like 10-20 minutes before.

1 me gusta

Ahhhhh… makes sence… Imagine Belos if he possessed Odalia… :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yeah, he also probably wouldn’t be able to do much with her Oracle magic anyway.

Oh alright…makes sence

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I’m getting off for the night now. It’s kinda late where im from so bye! It was nice talking to you! <3

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I have multiple reasons why I think he chose them over Odalia.

  1. Like @Arch_Angel already said, Odalia gave the Collector sass not too long ago and they’d probably trust their own puppets over her.
  2. Obviously Belos wants to kill the witches and his best shot is through Luz plus we know he holds a grudge against both Luz and Hunter (as well as the rest of the gang but those two in particular) and also clearly has a strong disliking to Eda. By using Raine (Eda’s ex and crush), he can easily put Eda (and Luz because she cares about Eda so much) in a situation where (like when Hunter was possessed) are scared of fighting with full power because they don’t want to hurt Raine.
  3. Oracle magic doesn’t seem very useful for taking down the Collector (if that’s what he wants to do but since he’s trying to turn him agains the gang, I’m not too certain) or killing witches.

I’m sure I could think of more theories if I was bothered to but yeah. I’m excited to see how Belos will use Raine against Eda though.

5 Me gusta

I don’t know, it was better to choose odalia.
but i’m sure dana does it for a reason

fandom ‘‘better to choose odalia?’’

belos talking ‘‘i am villain, not trash’’

2 Me gusta

I think he choose rain to hurt eda’s feelings.