Opinion on Darius and Alador (Season 3 Spoilers a bit)

Opinion on Darius and Alador??
Since Odalia and Alador basically seperated, SPOILER (I’m going off of what I saw in season 3, amity greeted her family but Odalia was on the side and did not acknowledge them much, so I think that Alador and Odalia seperated, just going off of this, could be wrong) do you think Darius and Alador could have a chance?? SPOILER: There was a scene in season 3 where Alador made a breakthrough by removing coven sigils and Darius hugged him then turned red
sounds like ship material >:-0

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does these two pictures off google answer your question?/j

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si los amos xdd
(yus i love them lol)

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jajsaksa this image is iconic

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I agree with every word of that comment and every pixel of that image

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