Random story irl (TW: Vent)

So I Have some people around me. Yes they are not bad. And when I say people I mean my parents, classmates, teachers. But now I’m doubting about what I said/wrote.

So first, my classmates. So there are like 19 people include in one classroom. So excluding me and some classmates, there are 7 people that sometimes mess with me. Yeah and not other kid, just me. They leave the cafeteria because they don’t want to see me eating in front of them, so I don’t eat lunch anymore. They mock me as well. They pick me for my trauma response(Btw, if you’re wondering, I have a fear of stairs because my bully pushed me off of it) And there’s this kid who has some mental health problems. I mean, it’s not her fault. But because she does a therapy session and does sh, it makes me feel so miserable. It feels like I’m faking. It makes me feel like a liar. I already hate school but we didn’t even reach summer break.

Second, My parents… My parents care for me a lot and I’m sure they love me!(Maybe-) But they sometimes make me feels very uncomfortable. Like, idek… my mother doesn’t really listen to me, and my father kinda yk… Not much tho.+ My mother knows I had been depressed for the following year. The problem is she thinks it’s a phase.(GUYS DW. I GOT THE TERM WRONG. I’M SO SORRY)

Third, my math teacher. He expects me to know every single math problem. I’m not THAT smart. I hate him so much that I hope him the worst.

Just a small vent. Not much.

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NOT MUCH?! NOT MUCH?! DUDE. [read the rest of this in a calm understanding tone]

  1. You should speak to a form tutor or trusted teacher about the lunchtime situation (a form teacher is a teacher you always see in the mornings at school incase you call them something else)

  2. Talk to the maths teacher about how you feel OR let it all out in the classroom to get attention from the teacher so they understand that you are under a lot of pressure

  3. If you have another parent or guardian, talk to them about what’s happening because that is not right and you need personal space

These are suggestions. I don’t know everything about your life and I never will understand everything that’s happening to you but doing these things or similar actions can possibly improve your life and make it more bearable.

I also have a bit of trauma but with being hit by my ex best friend and it does get a bit better. So every time someone puts their hand on my shoulder, I flinch a bit. It does feel bad but at least I’m not reliving them moments again.

I hope you get better soon :slight_smile:

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Look, this is a big problem, you have to tell someone right now, you have all the right to eat in the cafeteria and go through the stairs without any fear. And you’re not miserable, ignore that girl if she’s annoying you.

And aboit your teacher…
Look, I have contacts, all you need is to know where does he live…

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Ok so, I suck at giving advice and I suck at comforting people too, but I grew increasingly worried when I got the father part. Yeah the others aren’t good at all but like, they are things that I’ve heard a lot (I don’t want you to think I am minimizing your feelings, I am sorry if my explanation kinda sucks). But the father part is something like, authorities intervention required level. I would definetly tell another trusted adult about it.

Take care.

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Jeez. you really need to tell a trusted adult about this. Tell you’re mother the things your father does if you feel comfortable enough to do so. Avoid the people who pick on you and make sure you have some close, not toxic friends. Just because other people handle their mental health issues differently doesn’t mean you’re fake. I promise, your feelings and issues are valid. Find people who you trust and care about and ask for help. We can’t help much from online so you need some irl people too.

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To @sunny_shaark @Lionsgamers5 @Child_From_The_Stars @Luz_Noceda4

Still simaler

1 me gusta

Ok, that’s still bad am afraid.

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don’t worry, we all make mistakes
about your father, just tell him to stop now or avoid him

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Oh nvm it was SA :sob:

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