Real men <<<<< Fictional men

Maybe I am gay…idkkk thooo [ I have dated and made out with multiple guys. Sorry that was tmi]
Im sobbing I did not need 24 people knowing Ive made out with people

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SEE HAWK??? i was pretty sure he just irritates everyone

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Nah man he’s hot a hell

I’m lesbian but if this wanna smash I’m up for it

you can’t tell me he ain’t cool

I mean hes aight at best

I quit watching Mha in 6th grade.

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who who is the first guy :rainbow_flag: :walking_man:

Idk but he is hot i can feel my gayness kicking in. :smiley:




U have a good taste in mans…

(Undertaker and Sebastian my beloved)

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Bro thinks there are no pretty men in real life

Not where I live sadly. There’s mostly edgers I mean the only like pretty guys I know are hours away and my boyfriend

Anime subrrealistic xd nose como se pone

For me, I’m a man, I don’t consider myself pretty, but I don’t consider myself ugly either, but it doesn’t matter.

real men<<<<<fictional men<<<<< women

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yasss :handshake: - :people_hugging:
