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8 Me gusta

what art im a story teller…not an artist

2 Me gusta

Cool! Looks nice!

ok then…

ok then

1 me gusta

5 Me gusta

it looks good! keep it up!

1 me gusta

Once upon a time…in a valley not to large…not to small…there was a town…and the people of this town…they have a dark…secret and some time in the 1800’s a merchant came to town…no one knew him by his face…or by the gun around his waist…but some of the older people suspected they knew him…

The merchant he was in the bar one night…two of the older guys in the town…was there to…they thought he looked familiar the merchant so they asked him some question…“where are you from”
“whats your favorite drink” etc etc…of course the merchant did not answer…but of them ask

“where did you get that scar on your face” that made the merchant mad…he turns to the older cowboy…and says “from your papa” The merchant pulls out his gun and shoots everyone in the bar
he grabs the lantern off the wall and breaks it…starting a fire

The merchant walks out of the burning bar slowly…the fire start to catch on the church…everyone in the town and come to see everthing in a blaze…

2 hours earlier the merchant kidnapped the preacher and hung him with a rope around the neck in front of the cross out by the well house

the merchant looks up at everyone and whips out his gun and shoot…he shot 12 people and only 5 remain…they was begging him “spare us please…we did nothing wrong”

The merchant snickers at them and says “you are so wrong…your people 50 years ago tried to kill me…then they kicked me out…just because i found out your preacher points to the dead preacher is a satan worshiper…and this town in built on the gates of hell…so i have to kill you all…i said hell…hell was comin with me when i came back…so i brung it”

The merchent points the gun
and kills the rest of the people…he walked out the valley…saying

hell is comin with me

4 Me gusta

no comment*

it took me like 5 mins to write

1 me gusta

I have been summoned

6 Me gusta

Cool, also I’m currently drawing myself as toh character ;>;

1 me gusta

Done, howw do I look >:D

5 Me gusta

You look amazing :grinning::grinning::grinning:

2 Me gusta

looks CORNTASTICLY AMAZING!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Color goofin, also brush goofin

5 Me gusta

nice! is it ok if i save that?

Ofc you can save it,

But if you repost it, I’ll come into your house and- /j

1 me gusta

what if i give u credit