So, I was going to the store w/my aunt

I was reading my penstagram dms and she was like;
“Have you gotten any messages from any cute guys?”
And ofc I answered; “No”
Then SHE went on and was like: “… Or girls?”
And I had to stop to stare at her like; “O-…”
:thought_balloon:; “Bish caught me”
And the rest of the trip was akward af :sob:

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My brother did that to me (also he’s like, way older than me) I just said “I mean…”

1 me gusta

My mom did that to me once

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The “or girls” made me think of a face like a smirk :smirk: lmaoo

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… You’re indeed right

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Bro my cousins did thatto me yesterday too :sob:

Also i never told anyone else that i like girls but them but before the day o told them my younger cousins didnthis thing most likely, and a question came up “who os most gay” THEY ALL POINTED AT ME LIKE WTFFF

2 Me gusta

Enjoy that atleast your father or mother wasn’t the first one to know

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Fr that’s my aunt whenever I check any messaging app :skull::skull::skull: