THE most gayest competition

here are rules

  1. This will never happen again. Whoever wins keeps the title
  2. You say the gayest thing you have done in the comments almost like user of the week
  3. It will last for a week where i then have my cousin pick the gayest one
  4. You can only say one thing and it is allowed to be in spanish
  5. Play fair and be honest
  6. My cousin will pick 5 and then you guys will vote user of the week style
  7. If you want to say something other please go somewhere else so it stays cleaner

Go ahead. If you win you also get a chance in user of week!

aquí hay reglas

  1. Esto nunca volverá a suceder. Quien gane se queda con el título
  2. Dices lo más gay que has hecho en los comentarios casi como usuario de la semana.
  3. Durará una semana y luego haré que mi primo elija al más gay.
  4. Solo puedes decir una cosa y está permitido que sea en español.
  5. Juega limpio y sé honesto
  6. Mi primo elegirá 5 y luego ustedes votarán por el estilo de usuario de la semana.
  7. Si quieres decir algo más, ve a otro lugar para que quede más limpio.

Adelante. ¡Si ganas también tendrás una oportunidad de ser usuario de la semana!

5 Me gusta

flirted with my guy best-friend for weeks before we dated and for 2 days after we broke up

1 me gusta

Had a trans panic one night when I was 8 and then in the morning was like “why tf was I thinking that?” (Genderfluid energy heheh)


Un trío me invitó a ser el cuarto integrante en su besuqueo, el primero era mi mejor amigo, se había besuqueado con 3 personas, el otro era un amigo muy querido mío, un total de más de 35 besuqueos en el baño, y por último un amigo de ese amigo mío, el cual llevaba más de 42 besuqueos.

Fue un poco tentador, pero dije que no porque no quería un ITS.

Ellos me miraron y dijeron “ahora de cuatro :smirk:” y di un paso atrás haciendo una negación con la cabeza.


A trio invited me to be the fourth member in their necking, the first was my best friend, he had kissed with 3 people, the other was a very dear friend of mine, a total of more than 35 kisses in the bathroom, and finally a friend of that friend of mine, who had more than 42 kisses. It was a little tempting, but I said no because I didn’t want an STI. They looked at me and said “now four :smirk:" and I took a step back, shaking my head.

1 me gusta

As the actual gayest btch here. I have built my case. As you can see I am constantly down bad for a character/someone cough cough emma cough cough

I have also asked my irl friends who see me in real life they hear me talk about the most vulgar things I want someone (fictional and not) to do to me just because I like them (I am ace)

They have heard the stories of my gayness so that is why I should keep my crown I’m gay and do crime also having the gayest title is actually important to me it brings me joy

1 me gusta

When I first asked my gf if she liked me I talked like I was fucking interrogating her, and yet I somehow managed to end up dating her :+1: even tho it was quite obvious she liked me- she had straight out said “I love you” multiple times before we were dating, and I was that oblivious and I didn’t notice at first

1 me gusta

i kissed my best friend for curiosity and i liked it :grinning:

i sang little miss perfect (very lesbian song) in front of my entire class in 6th grade
i bring a pride flag to school on tuesdays
my chromebook wallpaper says “i sense homosexuality”
i have a lesbian flag pencil pouch thingy
Im in a gsa and did a whole gay people field trip for it
I’m into queer cartoons and media
I have toh merch
I have a blåhaj (ikea shork)

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also I make everything gay for no reason
and I have 229+ toh memes on my phone (even more on other devices)
and all but like 2 of my friends are lgbtq+ (i have like 15 friends and 13 of them are queer)

1 me gusta

I made out with a girl at a sleepover then we dated for two days before she left me for a guy

I live for erasermic, a gay ship from mha (WHERE TF ARE MY BABIES HORIKOSHI!!!)

I like toh

I currently have a crush on a friend on discord (Shes so pretty and kind I fr can’t wait to meet her, I’m moving four hours away from her at the end of december >///<)

I’m a bisexual (girl pref) transmasc enby :3

watch the owl house

lol i won

1 me gusta

winner gets this

3 Me gusta

In third grade I told my girl bestie to put our tongues together just so we could know how it feels like
And we did it

I’m a Percy Jackson and The Owl House fan

I’m gay.

Idk what else to say

2 Me gusta


1 me gusta

this is just a contest to win an nft lmao