Things that is giving me presure rn (Vent sort of thing)

-I struggle to fall asleep, so I’m always tired
-my whole “family”
-my “bEsTfrIend”
-my self-harm…
-That I get alot asked “Are you sick, you look tired”
-I have youtube channel, but I haven’t find time to make videos or I have been too tired to do anything
-My afterschool hobby in the evening on thursdays
-math :skull:
-My focusing-problems in school
-I should get next year at school mostly 9 or 10
-I don’t know how to study, because of my focusing-problems
-In class I sometimes just don’t hear anything
-Presetation what I am suppost to do alone tommorrow…
-I hear every day horrible nicknames for myself from my “friend’s” mouth, including “go kill yourself”
-I get easily stressed and I sometimes have hard time breathing in random situations, for example on mid mathclass, in P.E ect.
-I today almost passed out today
-My “friend” insults me alot, and after that sh!t says “Don’t look so depressed!”
-Mostly when my “friend” insults me, I laugh with him, I also have habbit of hiding my real feelings
-my mother MOCKS me when I look annyoed/sad/depressed, and when I ask “what’s the problem” in annyoed tone, she fricking repeats what I say in mocking tone-
-Oh yeah yeah!! My “friend” says stuff like that; “Eww you gay, gays go to hell-” and other stuff like that. (Keep in mind, that he is transs and likess womannn :skull:)

Anyone can help me and tell me what I should do?

4 Me gusta

you need therapy

2 Me gusta

Oh fu-
Also I love your pfp :sparkles:

Girl,ditch ur friend

1 me gusta

yeah get rid of the friends like that also sorry i hope things can get better

Im so sorry that happened to you…

Have someone trusted to talk to, also just let your feelings out once in a wile, I also hide my feelings a lot I’ve gotten so good that my “friend” said I love how your so happy/joyful/positive all the time. Ya right then why do I think these thoughts. but for real find someone to talk to if not then go somewhere no one can hear you and just talk through your problems out loud. or record yourself. Hope this helps <3 <3

Ditch your “friends” and hang out with us