Vent kinda…? ASD and stimming

I’ve know I’m autistic for ages now but I only got diagnosed recently and now it’s in the open i thought “hey people won’t be surprised or look at me weird when I’m stimming”

I was very wrong
I was literally in the support room at my school for neurodivergent kids and i pulled out my phone to check the time, (i have rottmnt leo stickers on my case fyi) and this kid noticed and asked if I liked the show.
I said yes and she asked who my favourite character was, so I got really excited to talk about leo lol
I was jumping on the spot and flapping my hands talking about how much i loved leo until i saw this girls face then I looked around the room, almost everyone was looking at me with looks of like-
Idk how to explain it
Shock / disgust / discomfort
Even people from across the room + the teachers supervising
Why are you looking at me like that ur trained to look after neurodivergent children you can’t look at them like at when they feel comfortable in a space to stim?!
(I used to physically stop myself from stimming around anyone, my parents used to tell me to stop and stuff sooo)
Even my other autistic friend looks at me weird when I stim.
What am I doing wrong?
I do the same things they do and I don’t look at them weird?
I don’t understand
Does anyone else experience this?

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I mean i am kinda autistic i dunno, i act wayyy below my agee and hang outbwith kids below my age, it is also bard for me to make friends my age. But i mean i feel like your parents could do better with taling about it but then it would aslo be very mean if they would and it would hurt you kinda knowing that your parents find you weird, i mean my cousins find me weird and jt always hurts me. I may not know much but those people sound like a huge pain in the ass, you should ignore them.

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Omg it’s hard for me too in the sense of not being able to make friends my own age just opposite
People say I’m rlly mature for my age and literally people in my grade drive me crazy.
You’d think my parents would be pretty down with autistic children because my sister is also autistic but they just don’t understand that we think differently.
I’m rlly sorry ur cousins are hurtful to you, it mustn’t be easy for u, have u tried talking to ur parents maybe? Or ur cousins parents?
But if u can’t just know that being “weird” isn’t a bad thing it make u unique!
No one wants to be boring so when they r they pick on interesting ppl Bec they r jealous
“Us weirdos have to stick together!”

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Yepweirdos stick together!
Eh, it doeant bother me that they nagg me, I got used to it

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