Vent sorta thing-?

Am I selfish for not drawing requests? Am I selfish for not laughing at peoples jokes? Am I stupid for not smiling enough? Am I not enough? Am I too selfish for only drawing things that I want to? Am I wrong for accepting to draw something, still haven’t drawn it, when it has been 7 months since the request came in? Am I too stupid to realise how selfish I am? Why I can’t love myself enough? I can’t even think straight, neither walk straight, still drawing drawing drawing… I have to &%@!*¡# finish this before I go to sleep… I say that I’m fine to keep people from worrying about me, I keep throwing help away- What the fuck is wrong with me-?! Does anyone care about me, or am I just help to their problems? Why do I keep acting stupid-? Should I stop drawing forever? Should I stop being nice and stop accepting requests? Why I can’t be perfect-? I’m messed up, but I still try to help my friends to keep them happy… Am I enough, why I am not enough-? Is anyone really impressed by things I do, or are they just being polite…?

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hey you
you don’t have to do the drawing requests bestie westie
you can just let the people know that ur overwhelmed rn
and you r perfect and nice to a bunch of ppl which is amazing
AND YOU ARE ENOUGH dontchu forget abt that
draw when u want to, your still a kid, live your life dude
also if you need to talk more hmu
im here to listen <3

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I’m not even close to someone nice, there’s alot of people inside of our friendgroups who are alot nixer than me-
Also fuck, I can’t live life the same after my mind changed into 20yo’s mind aka I fucking matured-

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Hey, Nox? it’s okay to be overwhelmed and it’s ok to not complete requests! You don’t have to do every last little thing and add every last little detail if you are unable to. You are very nice, nice enough to make a post asking if people need therapy. You care about other people, as far as I can tell, and you just seem to have a very good personality. I’m sorry that you feel like this and I know nothing me or anyone can say will help, but I promise things will get better in time. And I know everyone says that, but just try to believe it? You don’t have to do every request. It’s ok if you miss a few.

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Thank you, but my personality is fucking shitty-
Not even talking about my language ;-;
Also I should have been drawing a comic for the about past 4-6 months, but I haven’t even started…

Is there a deadline for the comic?

Actually I don’t even know-

but FUCK I am useless-

I don’t think you’re useless. Despite having not talked much, you’ve actually kind of given me a bit of hope. You’re a sad person, according to what you’ve said, but you’re also talented and nice and funny. It makes me think I can do better with my art and with my personality.

I’m happy when other’s are happy-

You don’t have to do the requests just tell them that you are busy and can’t do it. They honestly can’t do anything cuz what are they going to do, come to your house and force you?

Yeah that’s what I’m saying. One request that you miss, forget, or just can’t get to, isn’t going to kill someone, and It hopefully doesn’t kill you.

Do you know how wrong it feels like to decline requests

Yeah no it sucks to decline people

You’re not selfish for not doing people’s requests. Do what makes you happy. People won’t mind if you don’t do them. I know it might seem wrong to decline them but it would probably make you feel better if you did because then you don’t have to stress out about trying to get them done or just stress or for not doing them. :people_hugging:

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I really do care about u,u aren’t selfish

1 you are enough
2 you arent selfish
3 people have money they should buy their own therapist and not use their friends for granted

you ARE nice tho it doesn’t matter if your not nicer than those people
what matters is that your a lovely person and you should remember and take pride in that

your nice because you talk to people and make them feel like they really matter
your nice because you help people with their problems even if it takes a toll on you
your nice because you draw art for people
you don’t realize how much ppl care abt you on this app noxy
and you don’t have to live life the same after your mindset changing, with the knowledge you have now, you can be more careful, but you can still live your life
because every life is worth living
and even if it sucks right now things will get better :people_hugging: :rainbow:

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I just came back from school, currently sitting in bus and I teared up abit-
Thank you Ash :,)

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sljdflksjlfdkjsdlf i try :heartpulse: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :face_holding_back_tears:

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