Due to recent incidents involving a certain company. There’s only one episode left of The Owl House, so the question I’m wondering is…what will happen to The Owl Club? Will everyone continue on with supporting everyone here? Or will it become a ghost town for one last time? I want to hope that everyone will continue on with memeing here and messing around and all the fun stuff that usually happens here! I’ve met so many amazing people here and I want to continue having fun here!
I hope that this website will keep going!
I do too! I’d be leaving behind too many good memories
The Owl Club seguira vivo, pero a mi parecer deberian convertirse en una marca general, creando una página que englobe todas las subtitulaciones que realizan en sus respectivas paginas (Spectral MacGee, Amphibia: El Mundo De Anne Y Sprig, y The Owl Club)
¡Sería una muy buena idea!
I hope the owl club stays like this! :]
Well the Molly Mcgee show hasn’t ended yet I don’t think, and they do have that topic on here. Maybe they will leave pensta up until that’s done, or maybe they could start a new show and add it to these fan websites?? Who knows
But I’m gonna cry if they do get rid of Penstagram, there are so much cool people on here that I can relate too and stuff, I CAN’T LOSE THAT LMAO!!
I think Molly McGee has a second season in progress
The owl club creo que seguia en pie, en cuanto al fandom, no se , seguramente muera como en el caso de varias series
Same. I hope very much this website will keep going. I’ve found many great friends like you and @Huntlow_f0r3v3r !
I feel like the website is going to keep up and about people in here, this will probably turn into a ghost town or nyc
Penstagram is part of my life, if I have to leave it behind- I will never be the same.
Same here- Though it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to leave great memories behind-
Lets hope the owlhouse fans will still use penstagram or owlnet its a good website, but if its really over, we would forget this :[
Well I will not leave until toc becomes a ghost town for one last time. But until that does happen I’ll continue being the cheerful girl that always supports everyone and gives everyone the love they deserve!
Same! I would stay here too! ^
I will stay here, idc what happens.
Yo conviví originalmente con la comunidad de The Owl Club en Discord, y ellos ocuparon una parte de mi corazón ahora. Eso fue en el 2020.
Ahora, pude ubicarme en una comunidad comodamente de nuevo en Penstagram desde 2022 :]
Well I’m definitely not leaving now! I can’t leave my children behind!